그냥 막 사용해서리..ㅡㅡ;;;
다행이 2G 요금이 $50 정도여서 다행이다..휴..
그래서 데이터 차단을 하려고 telus에 전화했더니, 그런 기능은 제공안한다나??
한국은 되는데.. 여긴 역시나.. 안된다..
그래서 찾은 어플이 3g watchdog...
빨리 설치해줘야겠다.
참고 사이트..
"In the United States, you can only make Skype calls over WiFi."
캐나다도 되고 어디도 되는뎅.. 미국만... 완전 사기였다.
reference : bell.ca
simulator BlackBerry bold 9780
If someone tells you they sent you an email that you haven’t received, try sending an email to your own email address. If you receive your own email the issue may be with the other person’s email account. If you don’t receive it, try the following to troubleshoot the problem.
If you’re not receiving email from your Hotmail, MSN, Sympatico or Bell Internet accounts, but are receiving email from other accounts, it’s likely that you need to re-validate your Hotmail, MSN, Sympatico or Bell Internet accounts. For security reasons, these accounts need to be re-validated every 90 days.
Learn more about reconfirming your email account.
If a registration message does not arrive, or if these steps haven’t solved the problem, please contact Technical Solutions at 1 877 DATA-123 (1 877 328-2123) for assistance.