Sage ACCPAC error:

(Order Entry Invoice Entry)

 Description: Internal error. SQL query fetch of ICACCT failed. (468


When you get this message box above, check the [I/C Account Sets].

Because the Account Code does not have in the Account Set Code list. 

Also when you change the Account Set Code in I/C Items in Inventory Control after P/O and O/E Order Entry, you still get the same error message. It does not effect to change the Account Set Code after P/O.

Posted by 노을지기

ACCPAC Error Message:

"Invalid input. Rounding Account in Bank Currency cannot be blank."

Bank Transactions에 입력을 할때 Currency Rounding Account 문제가 발생하였다.

이것은 Rounding Account가 미설정으로 발생한 현상이다.

Common Service - Bank Service - Banks

Bank을 선택한 후 Currency 탭이 있다.

이곳에서 마지막에 있는 Rounding Account을 설정하면 된다.

Posted by 노을지기

ACCPAC 을 사용하는 중 Currency Table을 제대로 못 찾을 때가 있다.

어떻게 정확히 해결되었는지는 모르지만, 현재는 제대로 작동중이다.

Customer Center에서도 이렇게 가려켜주었음..ㅠㅠ

증상: Company default Currency: CAD. 

"Warning. Currency rate record cannot be retrieved from Currency Server rate table for rate type SP, source currency code USD, and transaction date 07.03/2014. There can be no currency rate lookup until these values are correncted." - GL transactions

GL input currency는 USD 인데, Rate Picker 테이블에서는 EUR 테이블에서 currency을 찾고 있음.

그래서 환율 변화가 제대로 안되고 1:! 로 변환되는 현상....

해결 방법:

remove Euro Conversion Rates : 잘못된 날짜의 convert rate이 있었음.

remove EUR table in Currency Tables : 현재 EUR 을 사용하지 않으므로..

나중 테스트해야할 것이지만 EUR이 필요할 경우 추가 하면 될듯...

Posted by 노을지기

G/L Posting Journals - check Posting Journal Errors

Posted by 노을지기


Sage 300 ERP (formerly known as Sage Accpac ERP) allows its users to create Single Invoice Entry from multiple Shipments.

Suppose Customers have placed multiple shipments and company would like to generate an Invoice (Bill) for all the pending Shipment in single Invoice then this feature would come handy and will become very useful in this sort of scenarios.

Follow below mentioned steps to create Single Invoice from Multiple shipment entry;

1. Navigate to Sage 300 ERP >> Order Entry >> O/E Transactions >> Invoice Entry.
2. Fill in Customer Number for which you want to generate an invoice and check the ‘From Multiple Shipments’ checkbox option.
3. Click on drill option near the checkbox, a window will appear with finder control to select Shipment.
4. All the existing open Shipment for the selected customer will appear in window. Select Shipments against which you want to raise Invoice.
5. Selected Shipments will be displayed in the grid and ‘Invoice’ button will get enabled.

6. Click on Invoice button. All line items from selected Shipments will get filled into the Invoice detail grid.
7. Shipment Number field will get Shipment Number which will sequentially come first in the selected shipments.

8. Click on post button to post the Invoice.

As a result, Users would be able to create Single Invoice from Multiple Shipments for Customer.

Posted by 노을지기
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