prepaid sim을 구입한 후 네비게이션 및 이것 저것하고 놀았다.

skype 할 일이 생겨서 스카이프를 켜니..
제대로 작동..

그런데 통화를 하려고 하니..
미국에서는 3G로 연결이 안된다나??ㅡㅡ;;;

"In the United States, you can only make Skype calls over WiFi."


캐나다도 되고 어디도 되는뎅.. 미국만... 완전 사기였다.

그래서 google 검색 신공을 했는데..

역시나. 똑똑한 사람은 잘 하는듯..
skype unlock이 있었다..ㅋㅋ

그래서 skype.apk 을 다운 받고 설치하였다.

이때 주의 점은

1. 기존 skype을 uninstall 한다.
2. 그후 skype.apk을 설치한다.(download 폴더에 있음)

관련된 사이트 주소는 다음과 같다.

설치하면 처음 로그인 시에 아래와 같은 이미지가 보인다.

skype simbol도 자물쇠가 열려있다..ㅋ

그후 사용하면 된다..

Posted by 노을지기

갤럭시 탭을 미국에서 사용하기 위해서 데이터 플랜을 알아보았다.
가격도 비싸고.. (캐나다보다 싸지만..ㅋ)
한국 데이터 플랜은 후덜덜.. 하루에 $10씩..ㅡㅡ;;;

오래 사용할 것도 아니고, 한달에 몇 일 정도 사용할 것인데..
monthly plan을 사용하기는 돈이 아까워서..
monthly 사용시 기본이 $30이상이어서.. 한달 내내 사용한다면 가능하지만...

그래서 결정한것이 prepaid plan...

$100 짜리 구매를 하면 1년간 번호가 유지되므로..

더 중요한 것은 미국 주소가 없어도 사용이 가능하다..ㅋㅋ 굿..

$100에 1000분 사용가능하고..
데이터는 필요할때마다. web day pass로 신청하면 된다..가격은 하루에 $1.49 ..
마음것 사용 가능..

구매시에 salesman들이 이것 안된다고 난리치는데..
자기들도 모르는 소리..
구입 전날에 t-mobile 고객센터에 전화로 다 물어봤는데... 거짓말을..ㅡㅡ;;;
그냥 주라고했다.ㅋㅋ

그래서 tmobile에서 심을 구매한 후 데이터 플랜 넣고 사용하니..

전화만 연결된다.

그후에 martket에서 tmobile app을 설치하면 된다.
자세한 내용은 이곳에서.

설치후 buy web daypass을 클릭하면 된다.

금액은 아직 확인을 안해봐서. 나중에 업데이트..
이미 있는 금액에서 나가는지, 아니면 새로 추가 지급을 해야하는지 알아야겠다.

customer service에서는 추가 지급이라고 했는데,
구입 클릭시 바로 사용이 가능해서..
신용카드에서 나갔나???

나중에 확인...

Posted by 노을지기

Office을 사용하다가 pst 파일에 문제가 발생했다고 나왔다.

SCANPST.exe 를 사용하여 복구하라고 하는데, 다음과 같이 하면 된다.

오피스 2007을 사용하는 관계로

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12  위치에 파일이 있다.

없을 경우 첨부파일를 다운받길..

If you use Outlook and you’ve noticed it being excessively slow or just having errors, you should probably scan and repair your Personal Folders file for any problems. It’s sorta like checkdisk for your email.

Repairing Your PST File

To repair your PST file, you’ll have to open the Scanpst.exe utility that’s included by default with Outlook. The only problem is that there’s no shortcut to it, so you’ll have to find it in the Outlook folder.

Open up explorer and then browse down to the following folder for Outlook 2007:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12

Or one of these folders for Outlook 2003 and earlier (thanks to Mike in the comments):

C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Mapi\1033
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1033


Once you open up the utility, you’ll have to find the location of your PST file by clicking the Browse button. If you don’t know the location, there are instructions for figuring out the location further down in this article.


Click on the Start button to start the scan…


It will take a while to scan the file, and you’ll get a report at the end telling you whether you have errors in the file.


Click on the Repair button, and after a while you’ll finally get the “Repair complete” message.


If you are curious what was actually repaired during the process, you’ll find a text file in the same directory as your PST file with the same name as the PST file.


Most of the information in the file is pretty cryptic… so I’m not sure reading it will help all that much.


Find Your Outlook PST File Locaton

If you just have a single PST file created automatically by Outlook, there’s a standard location under your user profile directory. Open up an explorer window, and then paste in the following into the address bar:



You should see your PST file in the list, usually called Outlook.pst at least in the later versions of Outlook. If you’ve created a new personal folders file, it might be in a different location.

Find Location of Outlook PST in Non-Standard Location

Sometimes your PST file will be in a different location, for a number of reasons.. for instance if you created a second PST you would have been prompted to save it somewhere.

If you can actually open Outlook, right-click on your personal folders location, and then choose Properties.


On the properties screen, click the Advanced button.


Now you’ll see the location of the file in the Filename field. As a bonus, you can also compact the folders from here (although you shouldn’t compact it until it’s repaired first)


It’s well worth it to scan your PST file every so often so you don’t lose data. Of course… you should be backing up your files as well.

Posted by 노을지기

reference :

simulator BlackBerry bold 9780

If someone tells you they sent you an email that you haven’t received, try sending an email to your own email address. If you receive your own email the issue may be with the other person’s email account. If you don’t receive it, try the following to troubleshoot the problem.

If you’re not receiving email from your Hotmail, MSN, Sympatico or Bell Internet accounts, but are receiving email from other accounts, it’s likely that you need to re-validate your Hotmail, MSN, Sympatico or Bell Internet accounts. For security reasons, these accounts need to be re-validated every 90 days.
Learn more about reconfirming your email account.

  1. Confirm that your smartphone is turned on and the wireless network is enabled.
    1. From the home screen, select Manage Connections
    b. Select Mobile Network and click to enable the wireless network

  1. Ensure that the network signal strength is sufficient.
    In the upper right-hand corner of your BlackBerry home screen you’ll see a number of coverage bars indicating signal strength. If you don’t see any coverage bars or if there is an out of service (SOS) icon, then you do not have adequate wireless coverage.
    Here are a couple of ways to check the network signal strength.
    1. From the Home screen, click the Options icon.

    2. In the Options screen, click Status (Device - Device and Status Information)

    3. In the Status screen, check the Signal field. The signal strength must be within the -40 to -100 Dbms range to give you adequate wireless coverage.

    You can also check your wireless signal strength using a keyboard shortcut (on BlackBerry smartphones with full QWERTY keyboards).
    1. While holding down your BlackBerry's ALT key, type the letters N, M, L, L

    2. Your home screen will show your wireless signal strength, measured in Dbms.
    If you don’t have adequate signal strength, move to another part of the building or outside.
  2. Ensure you have coverage by viewing our coverage maps.
  3. Confirm data connectivity by following these steps:
    Confirm that an uppercase 1X or 1XEV appears in the top right corner of the screen, just under the signal strength. If the icons are uppercase, proceed to the next step. If the icons are lower case (i.e., 1x or 1xev) or not existent, try resetting your BlackBerry smartphone by removing and re-installing the battery.

  4. Confirm that your email is properly set up on BlackBerry Internet Service.
    1. Visit
    2. Log in to BlackBerry Internet Service using your username and password
    3. Under Email Accounts, your email account should be displayed. If not, click Set Up Account.
    4. If the email account exists with an icon  under the Valid column, click Edit  to verify the settings for the account. It's possible that the email account password was changed, in which case it must be re-entered. Re-enter the password and save.
  5. Confirm in BlackBerry Internet Service that the "device" is set to the BlackBerry smartphone that you're using. If you have recently changed your smartphone, you must enter your current smartphone information into BIS so that you continue to receive your email. To confirm:
    1. When logged into BIS, select Change Device from the left menu
    2. Confirm that the PIN displayed is the PIN of your smartphone by navigating to Settings then Status

  6. Log in to your BlackBerry Internet Service account and resend your service books to confirm if the problem still exists. (A service book contains information that configures how your BlackBerry smartphone interacts with the BlackBerry Infrastructure. It also turns on specific services for your BlackBerry smartphone.)

    picture from this site)

    1. When logged into BIS, select Service Books from the left menu [SETUP]

    2. Click the Send Service Book button. Service Books should be delivered within 5 minutes. When this happens, a confirmation welcome email will appear in your inbox.

  7. Re-register your BlackBerry smartphone by following these steps:
    1. From the home screen, select Options

    2. Select Advanced Options [Device] - [Advanced System Setting]

    3. Select Host Routing Table

    4. From this screen, press the Menu button and select Register Now. If this step is successful, you'll receive a registration email message under Messages. If you do, try sending an email to your own email address to confirm that the problem is solved.

If a registration message does not arrive, or if these steps haven’t solved the problem, please contact Technical Solutions at 1 877 DATA-123 (1 877 328-2123) for assistance.

Posted by 노을지기
Host Routing Table

[Options] - [Device] - [Advanced System Settings] - [Host Routing Table]

and then register the host routing table.

click the [Menu] - [Register Now].

Posted by 노을지기