프로그래밍/Crystal Report
Hiding Calculations in Subreports
2013. 9. 12. 04:22
출처: http://crystaltricks.com/wordpress/?p=140
크리스탈 리포트에서 미리 값을 계산 필요가 있다.
이때 subreport을 이용하여 데이터를 공유하여 가져오면 된다.
값데이터를 화면에 보여주지 않기 위해서는 다음과 같이 하면된다.
I also tried setting all the text to white, making the subreport very small and turning of the "Can Grow" option. This worked if the subreport only runs a single time, but for some of my reports I ended up with very large white spaces.
Fortunately, there is a way to hide the subreport but still have it run:
- Create your subreport, and use the Section Expert in the subreport to hide or suppress all sections.
- Return to the main report, select the section that holds the subreport and use the Section Expert to suppress the section if blank.
- The subreport will be hidden in the report, but the calculations will still be performed.