Software Info/MS Office

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노을지기 2012. 5. 30. 02:28

Send Word document as email body


In previous versions of Word I was able to send a Word document as the body of a new message by clicking the envelope button on the Toolbar. In Word 2007 I can only find the option to send it as an attachment.

Is this option gone?

To be honest; I first thought this option to be gone as well but there is quite a list of commands in Word 2007 and Word 2010 which are hidden or otherwise not directly available via a button in the new Ribbon layout.

Add “Send to Mail Recipient” command to the QAT

You can still easily use these commands though by adding them to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) the following way;

  1. Open Word Options
    • Word 2007
      In Word click on the Office logo at the left top and choose Word Options.
    • Word 2010
      In Word click on File and choose Options
  2. On the left, select the Customize section (Word 2007) or Quick Access Toolbar (Word 2010).
  3. Set the “Choose command from” drop down list to “Commands Not in the Ribbon”.
  4. Select “Send to Mail Recipient” and click the button “Add > >”
  5. Press OK to close the dialog.
  6. The command will now show up in the Quick Access Toolbar at the top of your Word window.

Excel and PowerPoint

Note that both Excel 2007/2010 and PowerPoint 2007/2010 also have the “Send to Mail Recipient” option available as a “hidden” option and can be added in the same way.

After adding the Send to Mail Recipient command to your QAT…

…directly turning a Word document into a mail messages is again possible in Word 2007 and Word 2010.