Software Info/MS Office
Office 2007 리딩패널 등 폰트 및 사이즈 변경
2012. 4. 6. 09:36
The message list appears between the Navigation Pane and Reading Pane
in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. The default font setting is Segoe UI
regular 8-point.
You can customize the font and its appearance. For example, you can change message list to use an alternate font or a smaller or larger font size.
- In Mail, on the View menu, point to Current View, and then click Customize Current View.
Tip To open the Customize View: Messages dialog box, right-click the message list heading where Arranged By appears, and then click Custom.
- Click Other Settings.
- Under Column Headers and Rows, click Row Font.
- Click a font, font style, and size that you want to use.
- On the Font, Other Settings, and Customize View: Messages dialog boxes, click OK.